Becoming Your Best You

A useful chart to help keep us on track during lockdown.
How you coping in each area of life?


the SPICE of life

LOCK DOWN: limited exercise allowed! 

Yet even 15 minutes of walking a day can help in every area of SPICE. 

Where are YOU walking? 

Some of us have country roads and fields to roam; others are walking round and round their gardens (thank you, Captain Tom!) or just round and round their living room.

Wherever and whenever you can, just WALK.

Be like Captain Tom Moore!

Walk more -  or moore!

WELCOME to this new website Becoming A Better YOU ! We're so glad you're here.

Becoming better - in every area of your life:


We're be posting lots to help you become, grow, improve, in lots of these areas in lots of different ways.

We want YOU to be a BETTER YOU in every way possible!

Can't wait to show you some exciting ways to Becoming a Better YOU. And if you missed them, pop back to the posts already up, and check out some SPICE ways to a better you!

Recently I’ve been doing a lot of reading and watching a lot of videos on setting goals and forming good habits. It must be something to do with being in lockdown that makes me look backwards AND forwards with the dawning realisation that as we get older we don't want to waste time! There's a world of opportunities and although I can't do them all, I can have fun, achieve things, create, inspire, motivate - myself as well as others. 
There’s a lot of talk on these podcasts and in these books about ‘living your best life’. There are really helpful guidelines and quotes to help people live life to the full in whatever circumstances they find themselves. One speaker talks about her top tips for habits that build healthy minds: 
  • Keep a journal of things you’re grateful for – a regular practice of 3- 5 things each day. Some are simple, some are special, some are routine. Each day I list different things, from the aroma of fresh coffee to a beautiful sunset to a long hug with a loved one. Or an email from a friend, the wisteria on a neighbour's house .....
  • Sleep and the importance of rest. She recommended at least 7 hours a night; and in lockdown for those of us at home, that's easier than ever. I find I am going to bed early, reading and then sleeping long and hard. And gifting myself half an hour (or an hour) after lunch each day to sit and read. It feels very indulgent! Or a bath in the middle of the day. Rest is different things for different people. 
  •  Having a day every week where you don’t do any work, where you rest and do things that will recharge   you. For me that's Sunday, a day to potter, avoid technology, eat at leisure ...
  • Spend time each day, preferably in the morning, in meditation and prayer. Being mindful, using mindfulness.
  • At the end of each day go over the events, conversations, and emotions of the day and leave them behind as you go to sleep. I visualise putting them into a balloon, blowing it up and letting drift away taking all the negative stuff with it. 
  • Challenge thoughts as they come into your mind, and reject those that aren’t true. I'm having to work quite hard on this one!

What gives your life SPICE?

Prince Harry announces his first major project since stepping away from the royal life. 

"This is about optimisation of self,” he said. “This is about being the best you can be."

And isn't that what we all want - to be the best we can be.  

SPICE - this set of books seems to answer every area of life .....
Great for those who are in Lock Down right now. You can read a bit about it here but full details on their website:


Are you beginning to feel locked in and shut up? Longing to get out and about? Or maybe thinking about the future and looking forward to going for a long walk? Maybe you’ve even considered the possibility of doing a pilgrimage one day. But how about a pilgrimage from the comfort of your own armchair? A virtual pilgrimage if you like.
Here are 3 special books, from 3 very different authors on 3 very different pilgrimage routes.
We’ve put together a box set especially for you, especially for these times. With a retail value of £33, you save over ONE THIRD OFF the full retail price AND you get 3 helpful books to read over the next few weeks.
Included in your set:
THE MAKING OF US by Sheridan Voysey
WALKING BACK TO HAPPINESS by Penelope Swithinbank
If you’ve already got a copy of one of them, why not give the new copy to someone for a birthday gift? Or order a set to be delivered straight to a family member or friend with a birthday in May as a lovely surprise parcel !

Locked Down? Here's a great article: 10 Steps to Becoming a Better You

You don't have to completely reinvent yourself to make changes for the better.

By Rhett PowerHead coach, Power Coaching and Consulting@rhettpower

Maybe you're missing that "pep in your step" lately, or perhaps you're feeling on top of the world. Whichever category you fall into, it's never a bad idea to make new strides toward a better you. So how do you change? How do you become more engaged with family and friends? How do you become a better you. You don't have to completely reinvent yourself to make changes for the better. Think about these ten ways that can help you be a better you and make you feel more accomplished ad more engaged.  
1. Find a hobby 
From DIY projects at home to joining a community sports league, find something you enjoy and do it regularly. 
2. Clean it out 
Getting rid of old items you no longer use can be refreshing. Be realistic; those jeans haven't zipped in 3 years, it's okay to let go! ...and if your children are asking you what something is, it probably means it's an irrelevant possession. "Dad, what's a floppy disk?"
3. Volunteer
Do some good in the community, and it will do you some good. Promise.
4. Have some fun
Life gets busy; don't forget to enjoy it, too. Make a point to have friends over for dinner. Go to that college reunion. Take a road trip to a concert. Make time for the things you used to enjoy. 
5. Get back on the horse
Did you make goals in 2015 that you failed to meet? Ask yourself if these goals are still important. If the answer is yes, then find your motivation and get back to it.
6. Scratch off the items on your to do list
You know, the to do list that has been ongoing for months. Replace the lightbulb in the upstairs bathroom, clean out the garage or call an old friend. Once the first seemingly mundane task is completed, you're more likely to feel motivated to go on to the next!
7. Try something new 
This one speaks for itself. Whether it be a new restaurant or playing the piano, challenge yourself to push your comfort limits.
8. Foster your relationships
When you tell your kids you'll play with them later, follow through. If you tell a friend "let's catch up sometime," schedule a time, date and place. Go on a date with your spouse. Don't let the every day humdrum and routine replace the people you care about. 
9. Set new goals (or reassess current goals)
Figure out what you want to do and take the necessary steps to achievement. Make a plan and stick to it. 
10. Take a vacation (and really mean it!) 
Take a vacation and commit to really taking some time off. If you absolutely must work, allow yourself a specific timeframe each day and stick within those parameters. Have some fun and relax. Turn off the devices and enjoy the moment distraction free.
After taking these ten steps, or even just a few of them, it's almost certain that a "a better you" will emerge. Perhaps you'll learn something new about yourself, reach some goals and find time to enjoy life along the way.

WELCOME to the new website Becoming A Better YOU ! We're so glad you're here.

Becoming better - in every area of your life:


We're be posting lots to help you become, grow, improve, in lots of these areas in lots of different ways.

We want YOU to be a BETTER YOU in every way possible!

Pop back soon for the first instalment. Can't wait to show you some exciting ways to Becoming a Better YOU.

Reach for the Star